Talent & Entrepreneurship Club

YTEDC launched Talent and entrepreneurship clubs in Kisian Primary school in Kisumu County, Kisumu west sub-county. This enables the young population, to go a long way in transforming their communities as well as creating clarity on their future as they transit into adulthood.
Talent is an enabler and forms a strong foundation for a growing mind while entrepreneurship facilitates broader thinking and open mindedness to the young yet potential minds.

@YTEDC Youth Empowerment Program

#YouthEmpowerment.The great Kisian Primary School Talent Show day. A club member there as she steps out in style to demonstrate her Modelling Talent. Her courage and confidence is well demonstrated as she presents her talent piece infront of all the pupils,teachers,parents and visitors. This goes to demonstrate the impact of the 1 year training by YTEDC on the young pupils' lives into the future. @YTEDC continues to reach out to interested schools for partnerships aimed at uplifting the young learners' competitive abilities and skills to enable them Conquert challanges they may encounter as they transit into adulthood.Well done Kisiian Primary School -Talent & Entrepreneurship Skills Development Club!

Imechapishwa na Youth Talent and Enterprise Development Centre kwenye Jumatano, 14 Agosti 2019

Talent Show Day at Kisian Primary

Empowerment is our top priority. The great Kisian Primary School Talent Show day was a great success. The vibrant pupils showcased their numerous talents as evidenced by one member of the club in this video as she steps out in style to demonstrate her Modeling Talent.
Her courage and confidence is well demonstrated as she presents her talent piece in front of other pupils, teachers, parents and visitors.
YTEDC reaches out to interested schools for partnerships aimed at uplifting the young learners’ competitive abilities and skills to enable them conquer the challenges they may encounter as they transit into adulthood.

School Based Agribusiness Project

We have endeavored to promote agribusiness projects in schools to help learners appreciate the importance of Farming as a competitive employer for the youth. Once they learn at an early stage they will appreciate their role to food security and development within their respective communities. When the learners adapt farming it will help mitigate on the Rural-Urban migration of the productive youth into towns/cities in search of alternative jobs.

The Kisian Primary Talent & Enterprise Skills Development Club set up a Vegetable Garden was then set to establish a new project on tree nurseries to help supply seedlings to the neighborhood as their contribution towards environmental conservation in the area.

kisian agri

Youth Empowerment Summit

The youth empowerment summit in Emali, Makueni County was such a success. Our interaction with those present provided an opportunity to deliberate on issues affecting the youth (boys and girls) and their views on the business perspective.
The youth know what they want and all they need is direction, encouragement and support.
The then 9 year old class 4 pupil, Wanza was quite outstanding in participation and won herself a prize of a book authored by Natalie Wambui, one of the youngest Kenyan Author.
The lady and gentleman also won a copy of book each for their outstanding contributions during the plenary session.
We remain grateful to Pastor Mutuku of Kenya Southern Baptist Church for hosting us and to the CEO Yawezeka, Juliana Kisuna for organizing the event.
We continue to carry on the mission of transforming the future generation for prosperity.

Youth Mentorship for Business Orientation

We train on entrepreneurship, business start-up, growth and development for sustainable employment creation. This is in an effort to changing the youth mentality from being employed to becoming employers.
This training is aimed at inculcating business oriented skills on the youth by equipping them with skills on how to develop business ideas, saving for business growth, start and running sustainable and successful businesses, manage their finances and link for credit access and market opportunities. This will help in the creation of small and microenterprises which are a key driver to the Kenyan economy; thus a reduction in rates of unemployment among the youth.
The skills gained help enhance their competitiveness, focus and confidence into the job market. They are coached and trained on writing a ‘winning CV’ as well as on getting a ‘Yes’ from a job interview.
Through the assessment of the Individual’s talent and personal interests the course participants are guided on the choice of jobs from the appropriate sector/industry that suits their aspirations.