Empowering a Woman is Empowering a Nation

The young mothers here in the photo, are learning skills on how to start, grow and sustain businesses which will earn them income to take care of their small kids and themselves. One of them, Margaret says “I want to be an outstanding salon owner and employ other young mothers like me!”
Pauline Ngari- CEO of YTEDC, encourages the young mothers that starting a business is possible even with the little Merry-Go-Round cash from their groups. Those who had already started businesses shared their experiences on how the YTEDC training has opened up their minds to identify the many opportunities around them. “The training has given me confidence and self-belief. Before the training, I did not believe that babysitting for other mothers would be a good business opportunity. However, after the YTEDC training I saw a business opportunity and grabbed it”, said Caroline from Upendo women group – Deep-sea, Nairobi County.

The “Topeka (KS) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, USA” supports this program.


The young kids (citizens) you see here are the future parents, doctors, farmers, teachers, governors, MPs, manufacturers, innovators, senators, managers, workers, presidents, pilots, builders, priest, sheikhs, bishops etc. However, if not well protected and guarded; they can also be thieves, killers gangs, terrorists, militias, drugs and substance abusers, drug dealers and peddlers, street families etc.
The wellness of their mothers today dictates to a large extent what their future holds and that is why YTEDC embarked on supporting their mothers through the skills development training program that is focused on stabilizing and securing their socioeconomic status and improved livelihoods. YTEDC’s initiatives are aimed at contributing towards this worthy cause as well as in forestalling the menace of the increasing street families in our cities and towns by such destitute young mothers.

Prof. Norma Juma, from The “Topeka (KS) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, USA”, encourages them to take advantage of the training opportunity offered by YTEDC for their own good. She emphasizes that money is not necessarily the number one priority for real wealth, that real wealth is supported by four pillars, that is, spiritual life, good health, social support structure, and lastly economic (money). 

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Merry Go Round

Carol,24 years always looks forward to her turn to receive the merry go round contributions from her fellow Upendo group members who live in DeepSea slums in Kenya.
Meeting weekly the Upendo Stars, contribute each Ksh20 (0.20 US dollars) to be given to one member as they cast a vote to determine the one who gets to receive the money.
With no steady income, Carol a casual worker and her cohort members, rely on the merry go round to enable them put food on the table for their young families, afford healthcare and pay for their housing. YTEDC is supporting women like Carol to start informal savings activities that transform their lives.

The women training program is supported by The “Topeka (KS) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, USA”.