Integrated Entrepreneurship Training For Improved Livelihoods & Social Economic Empowerment

YTEDC  offers Integrated Entrepreneurship training program for one of her client – James Finlays (Kenya) Limited in Kericho targeted to the vulnerable population. The training enables participants start/enhance and grow businesses that will help diversify their family incomes and hence improved livelihoods.
This training also focuses on impacting critical life-skills such as; Self-confidence, self-belief, self-esteem and ultimately self-reliance for increased productivity.
The YTEDC team is committed to effectively guide and support the program’s participants to start and enhance their own enterprises for improved livelihoods.
The training participants are drawn from within their working stations in Kericho and Bomet Counties under one of the YTEDC Client.

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Corporate Governance

YTEDC’s CEO, Pauline Ngari, doing what she does best at School of African Microfinance. YTEDC trains various Microfinance Banks/Institutions and SACCOs drawn from across Africa on Making Boards More Effective.

Making Microfinance Work

Making Microfinance Work is the focus of the 2 day Rafode Limited staff training workshop by the YTEDC team. Inculcating the culture of ownership by both employees and the customers makes business sense to them as stakeholders. Effective policy implementation will guarantee business sustainability, employees job satisfaction and career growth for the young workforce. The customer will be happy too and will stay, thus,  enhancing repeat loans for portfolio growth. By so doing many more entrepreneurs will be attracted to join RAFODE credit program which will occasion growth and creation of employment opportunities for many other youth.

rafode microfinance

Making SMEs Work

YTEDC is taking employees of Acumen Equities Ltd through the ‘Making SMEs Work’ program at Hotel Troy. YTEDC corporate-SME’s training focuses on:

  • Building effective teams for enhanced performance
  • Creating clarity for employees on the Company’s business ecosystem
    for effective sales & marketing strategies.
  • Business Process re-engineering and on the emerging business trends
  • Increasing the company’s market share, customer retention and on remaining actively present in the market.

The ultimate goal by YTEDC Ltd on the ‘Making SMEs Work’ training is to:

  • Enhance the employees’ performance
  • Create ownership of their company by the employees
  • To increase the companies’ competitiveness & growth and thus creating more employment opportunities for the youth.

Making SMEs Work

When people work together in an atmosphere of trust and accountability towards a common goal, they put aside issues and focus on the tasks to be done. This focus overcomes barriers, helps to identify new opportunities, and builds a momentum that leads to benefits for the organization and the team.
This is our focus as we train the management and employees of Vital Properties, a property management company with operations in Kajiado County. The training is focused on transformational attitudes, building winning teams, positioning the company in the market, overcoming daily individual and team challenges encountered in the market and direction of the employees’ careers.
The training provides insights on how working together helps people grow as they learn from each other and develop important skills as well as have a sense of purpose that is motivating and fulfilling.


Making SMEs Work

The product “Making SMEs Work” is an enabler to the Micro, Small and Medium enterprises aimed at enhancing their growth capacity to profitability. BKM Property Management Ltd team, herein, is being taken through the training program that helps access and identify the Institutional capacity, design a roadmap to tapping their internal talents and other capabilities which are used appropriately as ammunition to surmount areas of their business improvement.

The program involves intense business development coaching and mentorship with particular interest to setting up appropriate business organizational structures, and emphasis to customer centric approach to business.
The program’s desired outcomes include;

  • Profitable and sustainable businesses thus increased return on investment – incomes
  • Increased employment opportunities for the many young graduates
  • Increased family incomes hence descent living for many beneficiaries of the businesses
  • Improved tax base by the many SMEs from their improved businesses
  • Great contribution to the National development from the many
    profitable SMEs

The training programs are customized to the needs and nature of the
business and as per the aspired growth plan/goal.
At YTEDC, we are happy to walk you through your business growth journey as your accountability partner/support, to help actualize your dream as you touch other people’s lives through your business.